How to end a relationship

Ending a relationship is one of the harsh realities of life. Learn how to do it in the best possible way.

Whether you are the one who suffers the heartbreak or the one who causes it, the ideal would be that the break was made in the most correct and humane as possible. After all, this is one of the biggest pains of life for those who are very passionate. A relationship rarely ends by mutual agreement, but despite its end might be painful for both parties, it is undoubtedly the one who gets the “blow” that suffers more.

Taking into account that a big pain can ravage your current partner, use all of your diplomacy, kindness and patience to help in this difficult time.

If you have to finish a relationship, it is important to try not to incur these errors, in order to not be responsible for raising a great pain. Obviously that to be successful you have to be altruistic, and let selfishness aside.

Blame the other

Never blame your partner by the end of the relationship. Even if one has more fault that the other, it is not the time to throw facts in the face just to get off more easily. As you know, the faults are not just on one side, so rub wrong attitudes in your partner´s face as an excuse to end a relation you do not want is extremely wrong and may cause serious self-esteem problems in someone who you already liked. You do not want it, do you?

False hope

If you’re really determined to end a relationship, be as straight as possible. Do not let him or her rise false hopes for a time or saying you still loves her/him a lot, but the relationship does not work anymore. Be as honest as possible. Believe me, if your attitude is consistent, and although costly at the time, pain goes away better.

Step away from the group of friends

If you decided to end a relationship, and see that your partner is in pain, be the first to step away from the group of friends. Even if you don’t have another company, spend time alone there’s no harm in it. Your ex will need them, and if you are always present, it will slow down a long recovery process. Don’t be selfish and look for another group of friends.

Let him or her know when you have another person

This is one of the most delicate aspects when a relationship ends. The greatest fear of the person who suffered a heartbreak is the ex to fall in love with someone else, as it means a true end. But on the other hand, it can be the confirmation needed that your ex-companion did not like you that much. Anyway, if the relationship has been important and long, and if you know that your ex still suffers with the end, talk to him and tell that you already have someone else. If you choose not to, at least do not to appear at mutual friends with the new love by the arm, when some of them don’t even know you broke up. After that, you won’t have the respect and friendship of the former companion. So think about what you will do.

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