All you need to know about functional training

Localized fast exercises to tone your body and keep it fit.

In the beginning, the purpose was related to physical rehabilitation. After an accident or a serious injury, or even in cases of mental health problems or heart attack, physiotherapists insisted on the recovery of the numb muscles, promoting an extreme activity much above normal. This would ultimately result in a normalization of the condition of the injured region and the return to everyday life. When personal trainers realize this possibility, they took it to the gyms and thus the functional training was born.

With the advantage of ensuring the body greater flexibility and stability, and giving special emphasis on joints and muscle tissues, functional training is characterized by a set of techniques and localized exercises that tone the muscles with fast and evident results. This type of activity prevents future injuries and brings along with it the benefits inherent to sport: decreased propensity for high blood pressure, eradicate any heart disease, improve physical and emotional well-being, eliminates calories, among others.

The effectiveness of functional training is unquestionable: there are few activities as intense as this. For example, if you run over an hour, you can lose about 700 calories. During the same functional workout time, the amount of calories eliminated could rise to 800. Some people confuse functional training with weight training, precisely because its focus sets on the idea of exercising muscles to the limit. It turns out that, unlike the weight training, the functional training it’s about the natural movements of the human body, among which we can find running, crouching, jumping or pushing. Moreover, the instruments used are not the usual weights, but rather balls, ropes, cones and elastics, are some of the examples.

Perhaps this is the way to find the strong and toned body you’ve always dreamed of. Give an opportunity to functional training, you won’t regret it!

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