Clinical Pilates: a new way of doing miracles

The method of Clinical Pilates helps in the rehabilitation of various health problems. Learn more about this innovative method that is working wonders.

Pilates is not a sport limited to gym and group lessons. This method, named Clinical Pilates, has been progressively improved and adapted to other realities and has proved valuable in physical rehabilitation and in the treatment of some health problems, such as low back pain, for example.

Pilates is a flexible method and over time incorporated other dynamics and adapted its teachings to the current reality. These exercises, adapted from the originals, focus on work posture, balance, flexibility, stability, strength, and breath control.

Clinical Pilates is a way to practice Pilates under therapeutic guidance. It is often used to create synergies with physiotherapy, that recognizes the relevance of this method in the treatment of some injuries like back pains, especially low back pain, or neck pain.

Clinical Pilates is precisely modified form of the initial method, applied by physiotherapists, using current scientific bases recognized worldwide. It focuses mainly on putting muscles stabilizers back in action, in order to make you can your body stability, and strength, and balance, improving its functionality. The relief of pain and tension and muscle fatigue are some of the benefits of Clinical Pilates.

Each patient has an individual training program, customized to their specific needs, carefully designed according to the injury that each one presents. This special attention to each patient provides a correct recovery and minimal risk of worsening the injury.

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