Foods that prevent constipation

If you have a tendency to suffer from constipation, there are certain foods that can help prevent. Learn how to keep constipation away from your belly.

Constipation is a very common problem that causes discomfort and inconvenience. Women tend to suffers more from this evil, and extreme fatigue or emotional problems are manifestations that may result from it.

Constipation is closely linked to food and, just as there are foods that can aggravate its crises, there are also many foods that can help to relieve this problem. This disease can be linked to a poor digestion or the speed that your metabolism processes things, so all sorts of foods that should be eaten. Usually constipation greatly improves with fiber intake, it may be necessary to also add fruit to your diet, in order to improve the digestive process. Fruits have nutrients with laxative properties that should not be taken by those who have, for example, have chronic diarrhea or Crohn’s disease.

Prunes, papaya, kiwi, pineapple, fig, blackberry or avocado, are examples of fruit with a very laxative action. Water is another key element that prevents dryness of stool and helps in digestion of food. There are yogurts specific to the intestinal regularization, they can be precious allies to combat constipation. In addition to ingest foods that help control this ill, you can also avoid others foods that certainly worsen it, as fried foods, candies, foods with sugar or chocolate.

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