The advantages of learning of music

Did you know that learning to play a musical instrument does wonders for the kids? Put children to delight with music.

Music is an integral part of our society and enriches our life. The mere fact that listening to music can give us an immediate sense of well-being. Those who think the brain switches off when listening to music are completely wrong: it is quite the opposite, it is activated, responding differently depending on the type of music played. There are many areas of the brain activated when we listen to music, trying to identify the sounds and break them into melodies, rhythms and lyrics, joining after all over again.

Learn a musical instrument makes even more intense brain activity and is equated with a complete physical training. Play an instrument involves almost the whole brain at once, according to many recent studies.

These are the benefits that learning an instrument brings to all who try, but it is especially useful for the development of children, whether physical, emotional or social level. Surveys carried out have revealed that learning a musical instrument enhances the skills of children and makes it easier to learn other subjects. The fact that they have to listen to while reading the musical sheet and simultaneously coordinating hands and fingers, they get used to perform multiple tasks at the same time. In addition, the ability of memorization is improved and increased.

Also the development of language and ability to express themselves is enhanced by the practice of an instrument. There is a whole array of studies that indicate that the brain of a musician, even young, works differently from a non-musician.

The child must learn early to discipline himself, since this requires learning a strict method and many hours of training in order to learn to play the instrument. Characteristics such as patience and concentration are trained and absorbed early on.

The development of sensitivity in children who begin their journey in the music, is one of the strong points of contact with the world of the arts. They are awakened to what surrounds them and opened to new horizons.

Self-esteem of the child is also stimulated by learning. The fact that overcoming the difficult task that is to learn a musical instrument, the little ones gain confidence in themselves.

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