What food can help me getting a flat belly?

Here’s how to fight through one of women’s major concerns.

For most women, putting up extra pounds always become a major concern, not only because of health issues, but also for aesthetic discomfort. Despite the existence of countless solutions to correct the spots with too much fat, from exercise to plastic surgery or taking pills to thin, the experts assure us that nothing is so effective as diet. Eating carefully grants health, wellness and also beauty.

The main body parts where fat installs itself are well known: thighs, hips, bottom and stomach; and after forty years old, it gets tougher and tougher to get rid of this unwanted fat. There are, however, some types of food that are belly friendly, which can help you get a thinner waist and a flat stomach.

We all know blueberries as a superfood, and they can also eliminate some extra fat we might get. This is directly linked to its antioxidant action which frees ourselves from toxins, contributing to a weight and body volume loss.

Chia seeds are highly rich in fibers and favors thinning, accelerating metabolism and enhancing the intestines function, besides reducing our appetite. Asparagus and watermelon also help on weight loss, since they are diuretic and liberate the body from water excess.

Salmon, which is rich in omega-3, is totally free of saturated fats, and the proteins of this fish feed for much longer without becoming extra weight. Lemon also works as a form of detox, because of its cleanser properties, which can accelerate the metabolism processes that erase toxins. At the same time, this fruit also works as a fat burner. On the same page, vinegar helps accelerating the metabolism and reducing appetite because of its acetic acid. Even so, do not exaggerate: its overuse can be corrosive.

The delicious avocado flats your belly, since it inhibits fat cells to reproduce, especially in that body region. And even though we should not eat too much olive oil, since it has a huge caloric value, it slows down carbohydrates digestion, balancing insulin levels and avoiding fat accumulation.

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