What men notice

Ladies, this list is for you.

Every woman likes to dress up and go out truly beautiful. It’s not just to please herself, but also to get attention of the opposite sex. It’s hard to know what men notice as soon as they see a woman. Well, time to know the truth.


No, we’re not talking about hairstyles, but about capillary health. A shiny hair, well treated and consistent is halfway there to get men attention, after all, it is an indicator that your health is 100%. Also, don’t worry too much about having the hair combed or arranged: in fact, if you leave it loose and feel comfortable with it, it’s even better. Your hair will show your self-confidence and men like it.


Same principle of hair applies to teeth: If you have well cared and arranged teeth, it is a signal of a good oral health. That is good. Furthermore, a man will feel good by making a you smile, this vibe will make him happy for having you around.

Eye contact

Maintain eye contact to awaken a man’s curiosity. Moreover, it’s one of the areas of the female body where male eyes drop first.


legs are one of the first things to arouse sexual desire in men, perhaps followed by the bottom and breasts – Yes, it is no secret that male attention and desire are attached to these areas of the body, but unlike what women judge, there’s so much more to consider.

Fashion sense

What a woman wears says a lot about her personality, and it will be more than enough reason to attract, or dispel, men’s interest. Don’t be afraid to dress according to what you like.

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