Learn about the benefits of meditation
Meditation is increasingly in fashion and the rise of the practice in Western societies is already a reality.
If you feel tired and need to find yourself, try meditation. Those minutes spent with yourself, just working your mind, focusing and setting aside everything that concerns you, can add years of life. Its benefits to our physical and mental health have been widely disseminated in every form of mass communication.
Moreover, this is an inexpensive activity that can be practiced in any location at any time, provided that you have a few minutes. You don’t even need to spend a whole hour to do so or to attend classes and retreats, while this is the ideal way to make meditation grow in your life.
The most important thing is to be open to the practice and the rest becomes easier.
Even if you lack will, although curious and can’t get courage to do it for lack of knowledge about what type of meditation to practice, opt for a guided meditation that lead you in the right path.
Whatever the form of meditation, it is really worth to practice by the many benefits that it entails. This is a form of wellness that with a minimum practice brings excellent results. Regardless of the kind of practice, it has the advantage of helping us focus on ourselves, apart from problems that surround us, in order to achieve an important balance of emotions that makes us happier.
The reduction of stress on those who practice it is substantial and it is even recommended by health professionals as one way to reduce it. Especially regarding to diseases that imbalance the nervous system, as the psoriasis.
A University of Wisconsin study also pointed that there is relationship between optimism and meditation practice, believing that this activates the left frontal lobe of the brain, which is more active in optimistic people.
Regular meditation techniques promote changes the spiritual, emotional and cognitive level, as are a higher capacity concentration, increased self-awareness and acceptance of ourselves, thereby increasing our levels of happiness, it is believed that meditation may slow aging of the brain, increase the performance of the immune system and cardiovascular health, the fact that substantially reduce stress and induce relaxation that increases the opening of blood vessels by decreasing blood pressure.