Six reasons for women to train with weights

Not all the training done with weights leads to muscle hypertrophy. Women also have much to gain from weight training.

It’s a myth to think that when training with weights, women always get a muscular and masculine appearance. This not corresponds to reality and must be fought. It is of utmost importance that women change their workout, which in most cases is constituted essentially by aerobic work, with a strength and endurance training, as it is indicated to restore some muscle mass that we all lose as time goes by. Weight training does not lead necessarily to visible muscles and can do wonders for your body toning. Check out some of the reasons you should always include strength exercises in your workout, especially if you are over 40 years.

Stronger bones

The risk of osteoporosis increases with age as we lose our bone density. A weight training can increase bone mineral density in the spine, since repeated exercises increase this density.

Increased strength

When training with weights your muscles will be stronger, that will result in a general body strength.


Practice with different weight loads cause the effect of “drying up” your body, giving your muscles a perfect delineation. We’re talking about toning and muscle definition and not about increasing its volume, due to hormonal concentration required for muscle hypertrophy is harder in women.

Fat loss

Weight-lifting exercises burns a lot of calories. Besides, your metabolism speed increases with the increase of muscle mass which will burn more calories.

Less injuries

The fact that we get greater strength and agility as we do strength training, it means that we become less likely to suffer injuries. Muscles are not the only ones to benefit from the lifting of weights: connective tissues also become stronger and joints more stable.

Your back will thank you

You can use a weight training also to strengthen the muscles of your back. Studies have shown that strengthen the back muscles can alleviate its pain in 80%.

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