The best make-up for the night

Any woman likes to be more beautiful, especially using the appropriate make-up on her face. A face can be beautiful with little make-up, but there are several situations where women like to dress up a little more.

Festive occasions such as weddings or birthdays, are good places to bet in a fancier make-up. But it’s the make-up that is used at night which makes a woman sexier and dazzling. Here are three make-up styles that can give you an aura sexier and attractive. As in all the make-ups, the eyes are very highlighted, the ideal to accompany them is to use a light shade of pink or a nude color on the lips.

Dark Smokey eyes

To make dark smokey eyes, apply a less dark shade, like a brown, in the upper eyelid. After that, go fading with a brown shade to cover part of the eyelid, just above the interior of the eye. For the final touch, use a black or dark blue shadow over this lighter shade to keep the dark smoky in the shade you want.

Colored smokey eyes

This technique is similar to the one used in the dark smokey eyes. This can also be done with colored shadows instead of black or dark brown and also works great for night make-up. The technique is the same as the dark smoky, but with brighter shadows shades, like coral and blue. With this make-up, lipstick should also be discreet.

Cat’s eyes

To make cat eyes, start by applying a natural shade shadow on the eyelid. Prefer a bright shade for extra luster and life to the eyes. The interior of the eye can be marked in this visual with a shadow in a skin shade a little darker than yours, but it must be done well smoked, so it will not become evident. After this, use the eyeliner and make a small line up, after the end of the eyelid. For those women with less practice, you can make a line with an eye pencil first and then apply the eyeliner on top. For the pencil does not have the same color, it takes a less intense color and you can smudge it.

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