Obesity: Help your kids lose weight

Childhood obesity has been increasing at an alarming rate, but there are ways to combat it. Find out what.

Children are usually active enough not to accumulate fat but with the current food types and habits increasingly sedentary, childhood obesity has become a real and very worrying problem. Learn how to prevent the health of your child suffer with this contemporary Western evil.

A diet full of rules

Eating well is the key to avoid overweight. A balanced diet, with few, or no sugar, lots of fruits and vegetables, with a special focus on dried fruit will help a lot.

Let’s move!

A sedentary life is almost a crime for those who don’t want to drop in obesity. Therefore, demand your children to play more, encouraging them intellectually and physically. In addition, limit video games hours.

See a pediatrician

Nobody better than the experts to know what to do with your son. Through some medical tests or a simple blood test, it will be possible to understand the best way which components in excess in the body of the child and thus be able to outline a diet tailored to your child’s needs.

The risks

If a child start being obese from early, is on the front line to contract serious health problems. High cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, bone complications and risk of premature coronary disease.

Involve the family

It is very difficult for a person to go on a diet if everyone continues normally eat around them. Ideally, when the person concerned is a child is that the family is involved in the diet, eating exactly the same things as the young obese. So, there will never be temptations

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