Foods that reduce the headaches

A headache is a rarer than you think. But some foods can use to prevent this.

We’ve all had headaches and we all know that it causes disorder in our physical health or disposal. These pains are very common, but are not normal and women are more likely to suffer it. Who suffers from headaches repeatedly is always looking for every possible solution to alleviate symptoms, especially through the use of medications. But be aware that your diet can also strongly influence headaches, thus trying to consume the right foods can help to control it.

If, for example, you wake up with a big headache due to heavy drinking at a party last night, it may be related to the fact that alcohol in excess cause dehydration. Drinking water may solve the problem, as well as eating a salad; lettuce and spinach leaves have large amounts of water and fiber that will make the body feel better.

Coffee, acts as a potential vasoconstrictor, when consumed in small amounts, it can also have a calming effect on headaches. If the headache is the result of allergies, the effect of coffee may also be effective. Some studies indicate that when taken in small doses, coffee can reduce the release of histamine in the blood, which soothes the allergic reactions.

Bananas are rich in magnesium and potassium, it is a great food to ingest when the headache is persistent, as bananas make blood vessels relax, decreasing the headache.

Whole meal flour bread is also enemy of headaches. Whole grains release carbohydrates more slowly than white ones, what invigorates physical energy.

One of the best foods for the headaches are potatoes with peel. The peel of the potatoes is full of potassium. They help to restore the electrolyte balance, especially if you drank too much the night before.

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