Bodybuilding training techniques – Part I

The practice of bodybuilding can be done through a variety of techniques and methods, according to your objectives and how quickly you want to achieve them.

There are more aggressive techniques and others less intense, but everyone is extremely demanding when you intend to achieve muscle hypertrophy. There are some of the most used by bodybuilding lovers:

Pyramid workout

This method aims to muscle hypertrophy and increased strength, it can be done either ascending or descending, according to the intended purpose. On the decreasing pyramid method, start with a small number of repetitions with a heavy load, which will be progressively decreased during the exercise as you increase the number of repetitions.

In the ascending method, the opposite happens. Start the exercises with big number of repetitions and smaller load, and as the training progresses, the repetitions and decrease the load increases.

Combined series

In this method, the series are combined with active rest. They are intense series of different exercises that can target the same muscle group. While one part of the body is worked, the other rests. This serves mainly for those who doesn’t have much time to train, since it increases the intensity of the exercises and spare training time.

Partial repetitions

This is a technique that does not complete the movements until its maximum amplitude. Applied only after the concentric phase of the exercise, where the movements are done only partially. That is, short repetitions are performed with small amplitude movements, but with a very high load until concentric failure.

Techniques that should be performed only by experienced bodybuilders.

Pre-Exhaustion Method

To achieve as much strength as muscular hypertrophy, this method consists in performing an isolated uniarticular exercise and then, without rest, perform a compound exercise (polyarticular, namely work several muscle groups at the same time). These exercises also have the advantage, for those in a hurry, to slightly reduce the duration of the training session.

Exhaustion Method

It consists of doing repetitions until muscle exhaustion. The exhaustion is reached when the practitioner is unable to finish the concentric phase movement correctly.

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