Jumps in boxes, a miraculous training

If you’ve never heard of this mode, pay attention. Jumps in boxes promises to give a whole new vitality to your physical form.

At first glance it seems a bit odd, doesn’t it? The truth is that this modality consisting of jumps in boxes is gaining fans around the world.

The plyo box, is a practice done with high density foam square boxes with different heights. The training consists of jumping from box to box or up them, so that the entire class is made up of jumps that must be performed with the greatest intensity possible.

Since the height of the box requires a relatively high jump, every muscle in the body are required in order to serve as thrusters.

As the jumps force the muscles to constrict too fast, you can generate with each jump a maximum strength. Jumping substantially increases the strength of the top and bottom muscles and muscle toning.

And when you jump, your body loses about 800 to 1000 calories per hour. As they are very high intensity, plyo box jumps cause changes in the cell, making them burn calories much faster.

The whole body works in a highly intense way along with the cardiorespiratory function.

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