I want to lose fat mass – how can I get it?

Lose fat mass requires a balanced diet, and exercise and time. We have some tips to help.

Unless you want to quickly get back to the way you were, you are going to need to be patient in order to let your body change permanently, if you do not want to resort to surgery. The miraculous promises of weight loss or defined and muscular body rarely happen, and when they occur, they rarely last. If you aim to lose fat mass and definitely not to get it back, you need to use some essential principles that can never abandoned.


Pay attention to the importance that the food has on losing fat mass. About 70% against 30% of importance that exercise has. This is the ratio often pointed to by trainers and instructors. It means that what we eat is the determining factor for the body we want to have.

All foods are important, since eaten with care and measure, but if you want to lose weight, you should focus on a few of them. You should always prefer foods that have low glycemic value as a source of complex carbohydrates, such as rice, pasta or whole grain bread.

Foods with a high glycemic value, such as bread, white rice or pasta, highly processed foods, sodas or cakes, produce large amounts of insulin in the blood, causing the excess sugar to be converted and stored in the form of fat.

Never deprive yourself of adequate amounts of protein, especially if you’re going to practice some sport, but if you want to lose weight, opt for leaner sources, as the white meat or light dairy products.

It’s not because you want to be skinny that you should stop to eat fat. You should reject the saturated and trans fats, opting for healthier ways as the fatty acids Omega-3 or Omega-6. Both proved to be, according to some studies, as auxiliary methods to lose fat mass in people who exercise.

It is also important to make small meals with a few hours, so that your metabolism stays elevated.

Pay attention on how many calories you ingest. Even if you only consume healthy foods, if you exceed your daily caloric needs continuously, you will not achieve weight loss.

Physical exercise

Of course it’s possible to lose fat mass without going to the gym, but this is not the ideal plan. First of all, physical activity is not just for weight loss, but mostly to keep the body healthy and to improve its functions, and then because it becomes much easier to get results in a weight loss plan if you add a regular physical activity.

The kinds of exercise that can be good for a faster weight loss vary, but recent studies have shown that strength training increases the likelihood of losing fat mass faster and more consistently, than purely aerobic exercise.

Intense aerobic exercise, although quite effective, leads to lose fat mass but also to lose muscle mass that is naturally lost with age. The exercise should serve to recover some of your mass and not to destroy it.

The strength training, besides stimulating muscle mass growth, increases the rate of your metabolism, which leads to a higher calorie burn. The ideal is to practice cardio moderately and bet on a more intense resistance training.


The ideal body takes time to become reality. It will need perseverance, hard work and healthy diet.

Combined the two variables of greatest importance in weight loss with another: you will have to be patient to reach your goals. Progress may seem slow and the results hard to notice, but never give up: when you least expect, you will have the body you dreamed and the belly fat disappeared, giving place to abdominal muscles.

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