Bodybuilding Dictionary – part I

If you’re thinking about entering the world of bodybuilding, get used to these expressions.

In case you want to start training seriously, you might want to know in advance some of the terms you will hear, to be able to use and understand them with the confidence of a professional. Here are some of the expressions to get acquainted with if you want to be a bodybuilding expert.

Agonist muscle (or agonist)

It is the muscle that during the training session performs a contraction, i.e. the one with the main action.

Antagonist muscle (antagonist)

It is the muscle that has the opposite movement of the agonist, that relaxes or extends while the other works.


This is the opposite process of muscular hypertrophy. It is the decrease and reduced functionality of muscle tissue.

Bench press

Weight lifting exercises designed to work big chest muscles.


It is a form of training used for improving aerobic condition, strength and muscle mass at the same time.

Concentric phase

Or positive phase, when the contraction of muscle you want to work happen.


This is a simple technique, where every training exercise is executed until failure, and which the weight is decreasing and the number of repetitions increasing.

Eccentric phase

Opposite the concentric phase, this phase also known as negative, and refers to the time of the exercise when the muscle performs an extend or distend movement.


Obviously they are not the hair, but the muscle. It is the movement that the muscle passes a bent position, or contraction, to a top position.


“Train to failure” is a recurring expression in a bodybuilder´s training session. It is when the muscle reached fatigue, when it is completely exhausted and no longer able to perform more repetitions.

Forced repetitions

Technique that aims to work your muscles beyond the point of failure. It needs the assistance of a partner to finish the repetitions.

Free Style Training

Practice of all parts of the group in a single session.

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