Foods that increase serotonin

Serotonin is vital in the balance of some of the most important functions of our body.

The correct action of serotonin in the body is of the utmost importance. If there is an imbalance of this chemical, functions like sleep, appetite, libido and mood are seriously compromised. The situations that can lead to a decrease in production of the substance can be in various orders and often their replacement is only possible by antidepressants.

However, there are foods that you can include in your diet and which are likely to promote the levels of this neurotransmitter: foods rich in tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is the raw material of serotonin (our body turns the tryptophan into serotonin) such as dark chocolate, bananas, red wine, Brazil nuts, avocado, dairy products, meats, fish, eggs, among others. However, to have the best results, you should eat them often. Since our body cannot produce this amino acid, it must be obtained through diet.

These foods contain a high concentration of tryptophan which, along with vitamin B3, niacin and magnesium, is transformed by the brain into serotonin. However, carbohydrates are the big winners of the foods that improve the levels of this chemical. Examples of other foods are the salmon, turkey, nuts and seeds, cheese or tofu.

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